Sea Pines Resort

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Caroline Basarab-Dennison, the 2009 Merchandiser of the Year for Resort Facilities and the 2008 Carolinas PGA Section Merchandiser of the Year for Resort Facilities, is the PGA manager of retail at the Sea Pines Resort in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.


Creating a theme with our hard goods generates interest for the non-golfer as well as the avid golfer. We had a large lighthouse built for the shop and our red tartan plaid is signature to our PGA Tour event, The RBC Heritage. In the display, you can see clear lines on how we position the merchandise so; it’s easier for our guests to shop and less cluttered. For example, to create a multiple purchase, the shoes are located conveniently to the socks and shoe bags. The putters are located in front of the plaid chair with the golf balls, ready for someone to practice with. We are trying to engage our customer to feel, touch and buy our merchandise.